Monday, January 12, 2015

Gotta Get To Work

Whoa... another week has gone by….? Megan is 14?!?!? uh oh...

So, I can’t believe that another week has gone by! So much has been happening this week and I can’t believe the amazing amount of work we got done! We have had the most amount of lessons with investigators that I think I have had in a whole week! We had about 7 lessons with investigators which was awesome! Sadly, none of them led to baptismal dates which are a bummer :(

So much else has been going on though! Elder Zieler and I are still together for another 6 weeks here in Port Alberni which is awesome! SO much fun! Marilyn is still progressing very slowly though.

Other than that, Francois is progressing. We didn't see him at church which was kind of disappointing. He texted us the night before that he was going to go to his sons last hockey game. We have taught him the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation as well as some other commandments, and he seems to be soaking it up. He still has his mind set on being baptized in Victoria.

Let’s see... what else.... ummmmmm.... Elder Zieler is the new district leader and the Courtney Elders are the only ones in our district. From what we hear, the Courtney Elder, who have whitewashed the area because sisters were there previously, have been doing miraculous! They have only been there for four days and they had 8 lessons with investigators, have 4 baptismal dates, and had 7 investigators come to church this past Sunday! Elder Zieler and I are just going nuts trying to figure out how they did that in only 4 days! I’m actually quite jealous and I’ve gotten down on myself a little bit lately because of how good they are doing and how it seems that Elder Zieler and I try our hardest and we don't really see any results. BUT, we have another week! Gotta get to work!

The members have been treating us really good lately. A little too good at times actually... I think I have gained 12 pounds since I have left home... It’s all in muscle ;)... We have had a ton of dinner appointments though which has been good. We are going out and seeing the Badessos for dinner tonight. They live out in Sproat Lake. Last time I remember eating there, I remember sitting at the dinner table, and looking to out the window to see Sproat lake. SO COOL!  We also made some Almond  Roca, it was pretty fun.

Today is going to be more of a relaxation day which is good. My back has been bugging since this morning. Good ole ibuprofen...  Other than that, everything is going great! Elder Zieler is stuck with me for another 6 weeks. Don't know how he got through the first 6 weeks.... But yeah, couldn't be better!

Sure love and miss ya’ll!

Love Elder McCown