Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Miracle

HOLY GUACOMOLE!!! What a week!
Man, there have been so many awesome miracles this past week and I can’t believe that I was here for all of them! Christmas was a blast! I got to Skype with all of you which was just flat out AMAZING! We weren't even allowed to Skype until a couple days beforehand when President Burt thought it would be a good idea! Such a blessing,  that we have to are able to speak to each other face to face from hundreds of miles away!

Anyway, besides that being the best part of this past week, we have had so much fun! Christmas day consisted of waking and opening all of our little presents which was SO cool! I love my pocket watch!  After that, we went to the Housholder’s and were able to have a magnificent breakfast with them! They have the most delicious scones ever! So yummo! We then went to the Snyder’s home and had lunch with them which was quite delicious. Then we had dinner with the Zikr’s which was so much fun! Such an awesome Christmas!

Besides that, we have had very few lessons with people which has been quite a bummer. We did get some cool Christmas presents though! The Householder’s gave us these sweet Superman and Batman jackets! The Snyder’s gave us some treats. And the Zirks gave us some cool ties as well as a $10 gift card to dollarama (the Canadian dollar tree). We also got to meet with this wonderful couple named Roy and Gail. Super awesome! They own a spice business and their business was booming these past couple of months. In a nutshell, they haven't been able to come to church because of it, she misses coming, and they love the missionaries! So cool! They gave us these sweet Italian ties and matching socks! And we had the most delicious dinner ever! They fed us pork crowned roast with homemade pasta noodles and the most delicious cooked broccoli that I have ever had, AND I DONT EVEN LIKE BROCCOLI!

We did get to meet with Marilyn this past week which was really cool. She is progressing in her reading, very slowly though. Sadly she doesn't come to church which isn't good. She is still really nice though.

Our Christmas miracle came a little late in the month I guess you could say, but nonetheless, it was truly a Christmas miracle. We were knocking on this one street, and the second door we knock on, he lets us in. We start talking, and he ends up on telling us some of his life story, and how he had gotten into drugs when he was younger, how he has recovered from being an alcoholic, and is searching for that religious structure in his life. Never in his life did he let any religious person come into his home, but he said that he could feel it was just right, right when he had opened the door and seeing us standing there. So Elder Zieler and I hop right on with that. We end up on teaching him more than half of the restoration, gave him a book of Mormon, and committed him to baptism on January 24th! He also said that he would want to come to church as well!  WHAT A MIRACLE! It wasn't until more than 45 minutes of being there did we figure out his name which is Donald! What a miracle though! He has truly been prepared, and I can just feel the spirit as strongly as I am writing about it now. He has truly been humbled and seems very willing to learn more.

I think that that was truly the greatest gift that I have ever received! I am so thankful that Heavenly Father trusts Elder Zieler and I with someone who is so prepared! It is truly a humbling yet gratifying experience.

Everything else has been going great though! It was awesome being able to see all of you and I can’t wait to talk to you soon! I got all of your letters today! Haven’t been able to open and read them though because of how busy we are with getting things ready for the week. It was an awesome Pday though! Today is Elder Zielers birthday too! The Householder’s figured that out, and after we were done playing basketball with some of the ward, as well as some less actives and non-members, we went over to their house and had the most delicious meal! We had Spaghetti Chicken! Tastes a lot like chicken alfredo! Then they brought a cake and we sang happy birthday to him. Soon after, we went on a hike to "The Hole in the Wall" with Brother Householder which was so cool! So today has been a great day and I wouldn't want it any other way! I am super pumped to go out and work too! I sure love and miss all of you though and I hope that you all had a great Christmas!


Elder McCown