So this has been quite a week! For starters we have been just hitting the ground running! I can officially say that I have knocked all of Coquitlam! Round 2! Had some awesome miracles though! We felt inspired to go to this complex that I had never seen before. I thought it was all closed off but when we walked in we found that we could knock some doors! After finishing off the complex I think we found 5 potentials and we were able to set return appointments with 2 or 3 of them! It was awesome!
Also had the food drive this week! On Wednesday we went with Wayne and were able to drop off bags to his neighborhood! On Saturday, when we picked up the bags, it was pouring rain but Elder Melus and I were just running everywhere and altogether as a ward we were able to get about 7500 lbs. of food for the food drive! It was AWESOME!!!
Saturday was by far our busiest least it was supposed to be...We had appointments set up for every hour between 12 and 6. Well....about 5 out of the 7 fell through but it was still awesome! We were able to teach Wayne that was not the best for him...he answered the door super glumly and said right off the bat that he should have cancelled, but he let us in anyway. He told us that he went to the doctor recently and was told that the other doctors had lied to him and said that his cancer was all gone. Well...apparently they were wrong and the cancer is still there. We were able to read about the story of Alma and how they were put into bondage by the people Amulon. He liked it and he looked a lot happier after we left!
We were also able to meet with this man Hamid who the sisters had passed off to us. He is a great guy and is going through a lot, but he loved meeting with us! Andrew came to church this week as well! It was miracle getting him there though! We were out trying to find people and we just happened to be in his area. So we knocked on his door and he came right out and got him to come to church the following day!
Oh yeah...not a crazy story but it just proves that weird stuff happens whenever missionaries are around...We were knocking a complex this past week and all was fine and dandy and we were actually thinking about dropping by a member that lived in the same complex. Well, we are just about to finish and we start to smell something funny. We finish off the complex and as we are heading back Elder Melus sees smoke rising up from the other side of the complex. Because I am unbearably curious we walk over and we see firetrucks lined up blasting this car with water that had just blown up. The engine was on fire and some pieces and flown all over. Needless to say, I am grateful that nobody really wanted to talk to us, because it was only 15 minutes earlier that we were in that same exact spot and I dont like getting skewered by glass!
So that was fun! It was a great week! Mom, I am getting super fat off of those Oreos by the way...Sure love and miss yall!
Elder McCown