Monday, February 22, 2016


So this week has flown by! Everything has been going great and they just keep on getting better and better!  Even though it was a rough week of finding, we were able to find quite a few people that were interested! We also have quite a few lessons lined up for the week which has gotten us really pumped up to go out and work even harder!

There was a really amazing experience we had this past week. We were out knocking doors and I just felt that we were not in the right place. No one was answering because it was a weekday morning. Everyone is at work. So we prayed and both just listened to the spirit super hard. We both got the impression that we needed to go to the west of town. Because I have almost memorized the area book, I remembered that there were 3 potentials that had been written down, but they were 30 minutes out of town, burning about 45 ks just to get there. So after that prayer we just started talking and moved out towards the west of town, and the more and more we were talking about it, we realized that we needed to go to Topley (the area that came to my mind). So we drove there and went by all 3 potentials and they either answered and were not exactly sober, or they just did not answer, or the person moved. So we went straight to work and taught the Restoration to quite a few people. There were not that many people who were away which was nice for a change. Last house we knocked on was not interested at all, but they told us "Go by the Brodies" while pointing her finger to the house. Well, we drove over to the house and, we had knocked it before, but no one was home. Knocked on it and we got let in and taught the Restoration! And the best part was that he came to church too! Turns out that he had met with missionaries in the 70's in New Zealand, and that seed had been nourished ever since then, by members and missionaries! It was so awesome! He has read and studied the Book of Mormon, and knows its true, but whats weird is that he does not want to get baptized. We will work on him though!

It has been so great up here in Burns Lake though! Studies have been so good though. This morning was crazy though. I was reading up in Acts 8 about Phillip and something I had never used was the maps in the back. Well, turns out that Phillip was in Jerusalem and an angel told him to go down to Gaza. Well I flipped out the maps and figured out that they were a little under 100 kilometers from each other. He just went out and worked, followed the spirit, probably talked to everyone on the road to Gaza, talked to an ethiopian eunuch, and baptized him. Made me think about our trip out to Topley, I just did not have to walk thank goodness...

Sure love and miss all of you though!


Elder McCown

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