So another great week went by and it just keeps on going by faster and faster! We had some great miracles happen this week which has just been so good and such a refresher for us! We pushed and worked hard!
Zone conference was great to begin with and came ready and willing and the spirit was felt super strongly while I was there! Both uplifting and encouraging and really helped me realize things that I could improve and work on! It was just so good! Had a lot of fun and the Mexican food was just so good!
Besides the refreshing and delicious Mexican food, we worked and sacrificed and pushed hard. We gave up time and miracles happened! One of them happened this past Friday! Weekly planning had just finished and we had no one going to the baptism that night. Well, we sat in the car ready to go and I looked at Elder Melus and I said, "Do you believe that we could have someone at that baptism tonight?" He didn't hesitate to say yes! So we went inside, grabbed our suits, sacrificed dinner and worked straight from the hour we had left till just 30 minutes before the baptism, and miracles just dumped on us. We committed ourselves to invite everyone to the baptism. Every door we knocked, every person we spoke to, and we just made sure we worked our hardest. Within the first 15 minutes of knocking doors the thought came to mind to text everyone in the phone! And that is A LOT of people since I put every single potential in there from the area book! We also texted every former and investigator! We got a lot of no's, a lot of "stop texting me's" and so on. One of them however got back to us and said he would come! This is exactly what he said, "I will see you there :). I need to talk to you guys." His name is Maddox. Well, President Burt, miracles never cease to exist do they? Turns out he was YSA, and the Vancouver YSA sisters were there, and next thing I hear is that he came to church this past week, and has a baptismal date for the 15th! God is just so good!
We were also able to teach Wayne this week. Very simply put, we set the expectation of writing down every question and concern about the church he had, and we promised him that if he came to general conference, every single concern or question he had would be answered.
We have been also able to see quite a few miracles in finding new investigators as well! We were able to find 5 of them this week, one of them passed off to Van YSA, and two passed off to the sisters, and hopefully we will have another one passed off to the sisters by the end of this week!
Altogether it was a great week! We have been pushing and pushing and just digging our heels into the dirt and running with it all. We don't go a meal without sacrificing time, and often times it’s a matter of trying to remember if we had dinner or lunch! God is good and the members are catching some of the fire which is what we are praying for!
Sure love and miss yall!
Elder McCown
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